Wednesday, September 5, 2012

iPad/iPod Help Desk

These are useful hints and tips when using iPads and iPods. 

Notifications  - Swipe finger down from the middle of your screen at the very top (where the clock is) to reveal any notifications i.e. emails, messages or in app notifications. It is a lot easier than having to open multiple apps etc to check. 

Screenshots - You can take a screenshot at anytime using the iPad. You simply just need to press the Home button (The only button on the Front Face) and the Sleep/Power button which is located on the top TOGETHER. The image below shows the 2 buttons. All screen shots are saved straight into your camera roll. Brilliant and easy. 

Keyboards - The keyboard on the iPad is designed for all user types from 1 finger touch typist to thumb typists. Not only does the keyboard spin to fit either landscape or portrait mode but it can be split and undocked to suit your needs and speed. 

There are two ways to change the keyboard display. 1st simply hold down the Keyboard button (shown below) and you can select your option or you can pinch and un-pinch your thumb and first finger over the keyboard to see it split automatically. The Thumb typing mode is brilliant when you are having to hold the iPad and type at the same time. 

When the keyboard has been undocked, you can then hold the Keyboard button and move the keyboard anywhere you like on the screen : )

Monday, September 3, 2012

Aboriginal Art

We are beginning to look at different artists and styles of artwork from around the world. This has been a lead on from our Olympic study. To motivate the students and to generate ideas we watched this short movie. It was very clear and concise and gave simple instructions on techniques etc.  

This website has some fantastic examples of Aboriginal art as well.

These are the initial drafts that the students did to practice technique, using paint and just for discovering. Our focus was to use the correct technique and earthy colors.

Dean and his sun pattern.

Maya and her funky lines and smiling sun.

Day 1 of students own Aboriginal art idea. Some have created their own patterns and others have used Australian animals as their focus. 

Dean has chosen to do an Echidna. Background work to come. 

Mikayla has used patterns and earthy colours to produce this fantastic patterned piece. Almost finished. 

Maya is using a huge range of techniques to incorporate patterns and a snake in her design. Background work will finish this piece off. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Photography Apps

These are all the Apps that I have used so far for photography and photo editing. Each App has a different purpose or use so play around until you find what what you are looking for.