Sunday, February 17, 2013

Word App

Great Word App. A heap of different word activities and 3 level settings. You choose the activities that you want to play. Very child friendly.

Blogging - Collaborating with the WORLD and sharing our success.

We began blogging today. Every child in my room is creating their own blogspot today. It's a slow process but it will be a rewarding one. The purpose of the blogs is so students can begin to create a record and profile of themselves and their journey through school, also as a way to share work and respond and reply to feedback. Many people have spoken about the need for students to share work to a wider audience as a way to remain focused and motivated by their own learning. Blogging is a perfect way for this to happen as students are able to share work and have people from any place on the planet comment about it and give them feedback on this work. 
First and foremost we (Room 8) will be giving the feedback and learning how to write posts and respond to comments constructively. 
My big hope is that the students will continue to use these blogs long after they have left Room 8 and even Kamo Primary School. 

Spelling Homework

This year parents, with the iPads in the classroom we are using a spelling app to learn, teach and test our students on their spelling words. The children will be using the spelling city app everyday to learn their words rather than the traditional notebook. In the past very few students have remembered to bring back or get their notebooks signed. The iPad will change this. Although the app requires an internet connection to use the activities the students will still be able to learn their words at home in a traditional way i.e. Read the word out loud, cover/hide the word, say the word again OR Read the word out loud, cover/hide the word, Write the word out.  Repeating this is important for the word to stick, so DON'T allow your son/daughter to only do each word once, have them repeat each word multiple times. 

If you want to look at the lists or activities log onto  or click here for my homepage and class lists . If you want more information just come in and see me. 

To find a list just click on the "Find a list"  button then type in "Soole" and search by teacher. This will bring up our lists. 

Have fun learning their words with them and remember to explore the other spelling, language and word activity apps that are loaded on the iPad. They don't all need an internet connection. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The simple things

These are the basic things that any beginning iPad user needs to know about. Have a play with the keyboard and the buttons, you won't blow it up !

Snow Storm Nemo

Check out the amazing time lapse videos of the blizzard that ripped through Northern America just recently. 

Activ Table - Promethean

Well we didn't win the Activ Table but we made the TOP 10 in NZ so we are pretty happy. Not bad for throwing together a video at the end of the year with some students. Next time we will start earlier and invest a bit more time into our finished product. All in all though we are stoked. 

Check out our Kamo Primary video entry and others here. Well done to everyone involved. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Class Captains

Term 1 2013 - And the votes are in. Our Class Captains for Term 1 of 2013 are ...

The awesome Jacob and the fabulous Izzy. They have been chosen for their positive, caring, hard working attitudes. Well done to you both and good luck for 2013. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Swimming Time

Room 8 will be swimming 3 times a week, so students will need to be prepared for each of these lessons. This means having togs, a towel and if needed a swimming cap. Also if you think they will need it googles are a good idea.

Mondays 12:00 pm

Tuesdays 11:30 am

Thursdays 12:30 pm

Swimming is part of our curriculum and it is expected that students participate in this learning area.