Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blogging - Collaborating with the WORLD and sharing our success.

We began blogging today. Every child in my room is creating their own blogspot today. It's a slow process but it will be a rewarding one. The purpose of the blogs is so students can begin to create a record and profile of themselves and their journey through school, also as a way to share work and respond and reply to feedback. Many people have spoken about the need for students to share work to a wider audience as a way to remain focused and motivated by their own learning. Blogging is a perfect way for this to happen as students are able to share work and have people from any place on the planet comment about it and give them feedback on this work. 
First and foremost we (Room 8) will be giving the feedback and learning how to write posts and respond to comments constructively. 
My big hope is that the students will continue to use these blogs long after they have left Room 8 and even Kamo Primary School. 

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