Monday, August 27, 2012

Animation - Stop Motion

Animation creation is so much fun. I have tried everything from claymation to stop-motion and everything in between. I have never done a whole class animation though. When a year 5/6 teacher challenged me to come up with a great idea to teach her class during my ICT release I showed the class this video below.

This sparked their imagination and they were hooked. I showed them the basics and then let them explore stop motion for themselves. They firstly produced a whole class animation that was not perfect but it was pretty great for a first up effort. They then got straight into designing their own group animations. So I thought that I would try the same thing with my year 3/4 class having never attempted a whole class animation like this before. Now that our Olympic Topic was coming to a close it was the perfect opportunity to explore something new, exciting and motivating for the whole class.

Our challenge is to do a better job than the seniors in Room 1. 

This is finished draft of our second attempt. 103 photos and about an hour worth of direction produced the following stop motion animation. Enjoy. 

This video below was created by our Principal Mr Ward and a group of students from his old school Otaika Valley, I have added it as another example of animation. They were winners of the Fair Go Ad Awards 2 years in a row. 

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