Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MInecraft Competition Best Entries

Jaydah from Room 5 had the Overall WINNING Entry. She really thought about the detail of a school and what was needed as well as adding in elements of fun that kids at any school would love to see.

This is a close runner up from Josh also in Room 5. There are plenty of great ideas in this close entry.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Google 20%, Passion Time, Kidquiry ... What ever you want to call it

Term 3 is almost over and Term 4 is just around the corner. Our topic for Term 4 has come about due to the NEED to give more control of the learning environment to the students. We are going to be endeavouring to tackle our own inquiry topics. Google 20% and Passion Time will be our planning board and model.

Our initial thought is to change the name again to give ownership and due to the fact that we are tweaking the model to suit our students needs. "Kidquiry"Kids and Inquiries mashed together...

Monday, September 9, 2013

MInecraft Challenge No.2 - Space

After a very successful Minecraft Challenge at the beginning of Term 3, we have decided to use Minecraft again as a teaching/learning tool. We are coming to the end of our Space Unit and WE (highlighting the fact that students were part of the decision making process) wanted to do something fun to end with. We decided that we should create an ultimate spacecraft to fly through space in. We have coupled this with the key competencies of Collaboration, Creation and Co-operation so this has turned into a group challenge. I have a appointed a group leader who created the Minecraft World and oversees the production. The rest is totally up to the imagination of the group. 

We are governed by 2 rules (RULES suck my students will tell you) 1). Work must only be done as a group, NO individual after hours work. 2). No visiting other Worlds as we want the Space Craft to be a total surprise. 

I can't wait for the finished results as what I saw on Day 1 was amazing. MORE posts to FOLLOW...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tia - KPS 100WC - Week 1

The Alien  - Tia Room 8 - Kamo Primary School

I was in my rocket. Suddenly I heard a crack. My rocket had started to brake up. I quickly ran to get my space suit and helmet on. I jumped onto mars. I saw an alien, I screamed loudly. The alien ran off but I followed it. I saw that he had run into an underground castle. I went into the castle. I saw the leader, the little alien was telling him about me landing on mars. I ran outside but the guards caught me and locked me in their dungeon. I screamed for help. “HELP!” How can I escape?

Hannah - KPS 100WC - Week 1

The Meteor - Hannah Room 8 - Kamo Primary School

Suddenly I heard a crack. A meteor was coming our way. “I need help!” “Earth to Houston, earth to Houston”. “A meteor is heading for us. There is no time to stop”. “We need help!” We are near Neptune, no Uranus, no Saturn, no Jupiter.” “Yes we’re by Jupiter”. 
“I will be there right away”. 
“Quickly please, there is no time to lose it is getting closer and closer”. Omg it is burning like fire. I hope Houston is here soon. It looks dangerous.  I don't want to die! Look there is Houston. “Houston over here”! 
Where is the meteor?”

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Literacy Shed - Everything Literacy

Wow this website has everything, If motivating someone to write has become problematic then just take a look through the site. You are guaranteed to find something you can use. From picture, story starters and stories from around the word. LOVE IT, my new favourite site.

100 words to make a great story -

100 words to make a great story - This sounds like an absolute dream for a boy who never got into writing much. I get given a prompt to write with, start with or to include where I want and the writing is only allowed to be 100 words long. Tick, Tick Tick. 

Maybe best off all is the fact that I can upload these to the 100 word website for other TEACHERS and PROFESSIONALS to comment about my work.